Joe's personal headshot

Hey, I'm Jawad 👋

I'm a Full Stack developer based in Mansehra, Pakistan. I specialize in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional websites, applications, and everything in between.

About Me

As a developer, I have always been passionate about creating elegant and effective solutions to complex problems. I have a strong foundation in Web development, with a focus on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I enjoy working on both the front-end and back-end of applications, and I am always looking for ways to optimize performance, improve user experience, and ensure the highest level of code quality.

Throughout my career, I have worked on a wide range of projects, from simple static websites to complex enterprise-level applications. I am experienced in working with a variety of development tools and frameworks, including React.js, Next.js, Node.js, and dajngo. I am always eager to learn and explore new technologies, and I am constantly seeking out opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge.











VS Code



Generative AI App

A prompt creating app built on next-Js and Tailwind CSS in this app you can Sign in using Google you can add your prompt edit it and delete it.

Todo App

This app is built on javascript and bootstrap in this app you can add your todo edit it and delete it and see all todos

User App

This App is built on Javascript and bootstrap in this app you can login user ,register user ,validate user and can see all the users

Country API

This App is built on Javascript and css in this app you can search single country to get his data or get all the countries

Quran API

This App is built on Javascript and css in this app you can search surahs from 1-114 and get the surah details and as well as his audio recitation

BMI Calculator

This app is built in Html Css and Javascript int his app can calculate your Body Mass Index

Get In Touch

If you want us to work together, have any questions or want me to speak at your event, my inbox is always open. Whether I just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you! Cheers!

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